Thursday, November 24, 2005


So, it's Thanksgiving. And, as we gathered this year as a family to celebrate this most glutinous of holidays we spent much of our time enjoying old family stories that keep us laughing year after year. Now I must admit, most of these stories are about the older generation(s). And I must also admit that us kids enjoy laughing at our elders. Although, our laughter is somewhat tempered by a fear that these eccentricities (most definitely a euphemism) are somehow genetic. (I'll let you know in thirty years). In any case, some of these stories are just too good to be forgotten, stories that our kids should hear and laugh about over future Thanksgivings. This is our attempt to preserve these tales for posterity. Some may question this decision, to make public these stories that, in some cases, may cause you to question our sanity. But that's okay, we are a little crazy, and that's why our family gatherings are so much fun. Ever see Christmas Vacation? The Griswolds have nothing on us.



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