Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter at the Club!

After lunch and before we hit the links!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Entire Crew

The Latest Marine

Don and Ryan pinning on Adam's bars as a 2nd Lt. You can see by the big smile on Adam's face how much he enjoyed his 10 week vacation at Quantico.

The Latest Faul Marines

Never thought I would have one Marine, let alone all three sons would become Marines. We proudly present 2nd. Lt. Ryan Faul and 2nd. Lt. Adam Faul.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

This is what we ride out in the Rockies!

Can you see that white stuff behind me?

It's call powder (for all you east coast ice scrapers) and we just got 10 fresh inches of it!

Come out and visit and then maybe you can expierence it... or as we snowboarders say -
"Dude! Come shred the dank gnar!"